Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Red Haired Warriors

 by Donato

Over a decade ago, on a flight to the San Diego Comic-Con, I created a drawing to pass away the hours of the cross country trip.  Little did I realize then that this off-handed sketch would open up a path to a series of imagery which I continue to explore and expand upon today.

I think what I like most about this series is that lack of strict
continuity needed between each of the paintings.  Each figure is
obviously heavily inspired by a prototype, but a prototype that is open
to modifications and rebuilding as each painting dictates its own needs.

As I pack for another convention coming up this weekend in Kansas City - Spectrum Live - I wonder what new roads will await me on this adventurous career in art.  I am grateful for the chances to explore and to have the freedom to pursue these tangents as they come my way.


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